Greetings from Jonesboro!
I have a class of 27 strong, very nice people all of them. It's going on week three and I think except for a couple of girls, I've got all the names down pat. Michelle was easy, so was Carrington *L* I have two tabithas but one goes by Gayle. She's Denise. And Tammi is Janene Garafalo! The guys are all pretty cool. Whitney, you'd like Reggie. Demarcus doesn't say much and I think Chris has a crush on me. Janene might too *L* But they are all really nice and polite and so far only minor talking and cell phone infractions. And I have a Buck and a Bubba in class...welcome to the South.

The weather is typical Sask. spring. Rain, wind, sunny days all mixed up. Everyone tells me there'll be tornadoes, but I'll skip those if you don't mind. There's not a whole lot around here and I'm grounded a bit cos I don't drive, but I walked tonight to the tobacco store just down from work, and I walk to work every day. Don't know what it would be in blocks, but I walk through six parking lots to get there: the health place, the optomitrist, the Fedex, the roller rink, the restaurant and the bar and then I'm there. Not bad. There's a Kum and Go for snacks on Stadium (bout three blocks) and the Waffle House across the street is open 24/7--haven't been yet, but Angel and Mike from my class want to go with me (they are big fans, apparently)

The curriculum is going well, even if I've never taught it before (what they don't know won't hurt 'em *L*) and my class figures I'm smart enough, so that's good enough for me. Corey and Bryan (other trainers) have been super sweet about getting me home at night, which is cool. Corey reminds me of Adam. And even some reps I'm not working with have been nice and asking me if I'll move here *L* Three words, folks: Free Health Care. Unless a job comes up in Cardiff, I'm not going anywhere!

It's weird being here by myself. I feel a bit like an alien. I went to Cracker Barrel tonight for supper and right in the middle of some good but overbreaded chicken breasts and delicious corn and potatoes, I had this incredible urge to stand up and yell "I love gay men! Gay men Rule! Bring on the gays! I watch BBC and there are gay guys all over that! In fact, I wish two gay British guys would do it on my table, right now!"
Instead I just finished my chicken.
but I think that's why I'm still feeling weirdly homesick, even though it's been two weeks. I was better in PHI. But this place feels weirder.

Oh, the cabs here--get this. The classy company is City Cabs and it appears to be one guy and his mom who drive around in his minivan all day. It's 7 bucks from here to there no matter where you go, unless you want to go to the next town, and then it's 20 bucks. No meters, and the guy is a total King of the Hill cliche. He was talking to me, but his mom--wife, maybe?--whatever, basically had to translate. I went to the mall yesterday is how I know this. Last week I went to walmart and the front desk lady gave me a ride there -??- and I caught a Thrifty cab back. Old man, dirty mini van and he picked up some other lady as well, so he was making good coin. So strange...

What else can I tell you? I got my dvd player working so there's TW in my life, thankfully and one of the girls in class has seen it, but only a couple of eps. At least it's not completely weird. Smokes are just five bucks a pack so I'm still smoking. Figure the same thing as PHI--Ill bring home whatever I can and when they are done so am I. No other site is looking for help right now but I have my feelers out, so we'll see what happens. There may be the possibility of another class. Or Whit may come here, which would be good. I had catfish last week and it was yummy. And I tried a moon pie and it's just a wagon wheel only bigger. (secret: I don't like cornbread or biscuits and gravy) Jen is taking me to Graceland next weekend and I want to go to Sun records too. I want a sun records bag, and it will be a cool place to get souvenirs for mom and dad. I have the TS boys with me, so they'll get their pics while "walking in Memphis" :D Oh, that reminds me, I need camera batteries!

Michelle made me bbq chicken, andui sausage, and beans and rice. Yummy!

The Pizza Inn was really good but the choc chip pizza was too sweet!!

There's more, I'm sure, but I need to get this posted. So that's all for now, y'all!