B is for Believe.

I want to believe.
(the Sentinel is gayer than XF, but XF still has a bigger dick)
Do you believe in life after love?
(Yesterday I thought "Cher is iconic; X-Files dedicated a MOTW to her, and Buffy advised that listening to her means your a demon)
I believe love is the answer.
(No, I haven't figured out the question yet, thank you very much you Douglas Adams fans, although I suspect it's either "Why do I have to wash the sheets so much?" or "Why do you spend so much time on the computer?")
I once heard it said that if you believe in yourself, the rest comes naturally.
It was in a conversation about bees. Don't forget, if you check with any accredited (is that the word I want) scientific types who study the ghastly stingy bastards (and really, can't we pollinate our own damn flowers?), they will tell you that bees wings are fucked. Bees are not aerodynamically designed to fly. They can't do it. Serious. But they do. So if bees can do it, so can I, right?
(as an aside, B really should have been for bridesmaid this week, but I'm thinking belief is the way to go. Although on that tangent, may I just say that the million dollar dress is beautiful and I'd love to just carry it up the aisle on a stick *L*)
Give me something to believe in....
(I forget, is that Axyl, or Bon Jovi. Either way, hair rock, and you know they're both nelly screamy bottoms--no one can use that much hair product and be a top, that's even more unlikely than the whole bee thing)
So what do I believe? I believe all things happen for a reason, even if I can't see it, even if it's not mine. I believe in a God I once held in contempt, but see now that the institutions were to blame, not Him. I believe that there will always be food enough, heat enough, power enough. I believe people love me, even when they don't say it, and believe that I am worthy of that love. I believe I am exactly who I am supposed to be right now, and that it's good enough. I believe 500 is the magic number, and shortbread can solve almost anything. Maybe not in the same league as Ben and Jerry's Half Baked, but right up there.
Read the lyrics for Savage Garden's Affirmation. No, not later; now. Just google it or something *L*
Finally, I believe that everything will work out just as it should for my Ontario clan, and I believe it's going to be a hell of a party.