D is for Drag. Yes, Coronation waits for no man nor queen *L*. Just another week and we'll have a new Emperor and Empress. I wonder if that means we'll see Curt in tough drag *L* It's great to have more women involved, and I must be getting old, cos I hardly ever piss and moan about it, or drag out the tired old "I was there first" stories. It's so great, too, that so  many of our youth want to try out drag, be it kings or queens. Hell, when I was Empress we had exactly one drag queen in the whole damn city. Of course, we barely had a community, so beggars couldn't exactly be choosers now, could we? ah, but back to men in dresses. Pretty, or not so much. Skinny, fat (there tends to be some correlation between robust fellas and rhinestones, but I'll save that thesis for another day) inbetween. Completely unrealistic and amazingly girly. Feather boas and stiletto heels to daisy dukes or leather and whips, they've got it all. I saw my very first drag show in 1984 (Rae st Clair, yes she was old then too!) and fell in love with the art form. It's not just being able to tuck your dick up your ass, either.  And you can't just get up there, throw on Whitney Houston and mouth "watermelon watermelon 1-2-3" either. No, you can't use "bacon lettuce tomato". Although we do once in a while. You need to dance, and sing, and be funny, and be serious. We can laugh at something like Sandy st Peters doing Hava Nagila, or cry when Miss Kay did the Rose and signed the whole song, just months before he died. Don't forget the standards--I Will Always Love You, and I Am Changing and Dream Girls. Those songs with the big crescendo in them that makes an audience cheer, like they think the guy's actually singing. You can do current pop, if you've a mind to, but drag I think represents the strongest parts of being a woman, and the songs of the 'divas' will always turn heads. Cher and Tina and Janis and Whitney, Bette and Ella and Billie and Etta. Classics all. Rhinestones are a whole other deal, and really, even a simple girl like me owns some bling. Crowns are good, if tiresome to wear, but they sure do sparkle pretty. And remember, big glasses make your hands look small.
So, yeah, Coronation cometh, and no matter what, fact is, for a weekend, we're all going to be fabulous!