E is for Easy
Let's start with the Big Easy. New Orleans. Wrong as it may be, I of course thought "Gee, I wonder how many times Z99 is going to beat the Tragically Hip into the ground--look, Canadian content and topical!". Of course, then I mellowed out, and thought, how can this be? Not to belittle any other natural, or even not so natural disasters, but I think we all know what we picture when CNN says there's something nasty going on--overturned trailers in the dusbowl, or flood waters washing away "villages". I don't mean we're ignorant of the ways of the world, but media and our own sometimes self-centered perceptions can't imagine it. Yeah, we know, the <insert nat. disaster here> tore your house on sticks off it's moorings and you only have one clean wrap left. But what's this? Katrina destroyed Walgreens? No! How? I know what you're thinking, but honestly, that's the reaction this is getting in a high percentage of people. Of course, other reactions abound too: Like, from what I can see as an ignorant Canadian, some serious lack of getting their shit together on the part of the Federal Government. (Yknow, I still shudder everytime I hear about FEMA. Thanks Martin Landau!) Like the looting and shooting. That's just right out of my reality (she says, then wonders what she'd do in a wal-mart if no one was around....) I mean, yeah, I get water and food, but big screen tvs? What are you going to do? Sail em down the street? I know some people couldn't get out, but where was the local govt for that? I honestly don't know what the response from City Hall would be around here, but since I know where all our reps live *L* I suspect they'd be right in the thick of it with us, even in the core. And finally, I suspect there's a special place in Hell for the folks profiteering from all this. Be it the big oil guys gouging the shit out of everyone in the name of "Katrina" (Hell, I heard coffee's going up on account of the hurricane too!), or those self-righteous thumpers who presume to know the will of God, and are using this sad event as a pulpit to ring out their own agendas (which would be fine, since we all do it from time to time, but....), those agendas being full of hatred and not helping at all.

Okay, rant over. Now the kudos. First off, and not just cos it's my world, or because my favorite author in all the land is part of it:


Go, find something you like, donate. There is no bad here!

And last thought on easy. It's easy to judge, easy to sit back and watch it all unfold, easy to remain apart from it all. Take a minute to do something hard. Write. Donate. Email. Pray. You might find it not so hard after all. Might even be easy.