J is for July. Which today is the last day of. Summer is technically 1/2 over. Oh, I know, starts June 21 and goes til Sep 21 or something, but really, isn't summer just July and August? You know, those two months you got out of school? June is nice and all, but heck, it starts getting nice in April, so that doesn't really count. And unless you work through the summer, you're not back at it ie school, university, whatever, until the first week in September. So, July. I had visitors. Neal, and Jae, it was brilliant to see you both. I miss the good ol' days sometimes with a ferocity that can damn near unhinge me. I was trying to 'splain the Lovely Lay-Las to someone a few weeks ago, with limited success, and I wouldn't even dare try to bring up the "dead thing" that you could see from the old deck. They think I'm certifiable most days anyway. Still, good times....
Now, well, good times, too, though I miss you and so many others. And not the same go hard all night and dancing in the crowd crazy good times of then. No, I'm a lot more socially retarded than I used to be, way better in type than in person, and getting twitchier by the day. I suspect I'm becoming the crazy cat lady I always thought I would....
But still, bartending last night was fun, Ang was toasting her singledom, which is always cool. Not that I'd go there, but still, it's fun to pretend. Been focusing on my X boys, and sending lots of love and prayers to the Bear and the Bunny, and not much else, really.
Of course, the flight to ON is booked, and as long as the damned dresses show up, we're good to go....I'll bring the Southern, kids, you just provide the glasses....