O is for Ouch
Ouch as in my back, aching from all week prideathon doing too much but I bet Marianne's is even worse--she busted her hump tonight like nobody's business! Thanks, lady. Ouch is all I can think whenever one of those Gen Q kids tries to talk all serious, with their gazillion piercings and all--has it not occurred to them that their face is going to leak? Ouch, the Pride Committee took it on the chin tonight and lost money, but hey, we did our best, and some folks got to have a really good, out time! Ouch, for some reason my left tit was responding really well to the meds, but tonight it's all achy again, though not as mysterious-bumpy as it was. Maybe this is a good ouch. Ouch, more procedures for my bunny brother, and I pray they go well, so we have far less ouch in that future soon! Ouch for my bear brother, too, and his "no big deal" casts. You take care of yourself, buddy, or I'll have to come give you a stern talking to *L* Ouch, don't even get me started on the entire paycheque I'm paying for my bridesmaid's dress. Yeah, lets throw in a couple extra hundred dollars cos she's fat. Thanks a bunch you bitches! Okay, no other real big ouches that I know of, but hey, Susan, hope there's no ouches where you live. And I'm tired, which is not so much an ouch as it is a way to say I'm ending this post.