Q is for Queequeg--the first mate in Moby Dick (the book hints at a sexual relationship between him and Ahab) and also the name of Scully's dog. Her whole family was into Moby Dick. Ahab, Starbuck, Queequeg...Did I mention the dog ate it's former owner before Scully got it, and then met it's demise at the hands, or mouth, of Big Blue, a sea monster which turned out to be a Pomeranian-eating alligator? Mulder's adorably focused and uber-gay in that episode *L*
Q is also for questions like "what did I do to deserve my good fortune?" not that I'm complaining, honest, but I sure am lucky somedays--no whap over the head with the big C-stick, as Steven King calls it, just infection which it looks like we might be able to clear up with a pill and a pad. And questions like "why does it always happen that you get a little extra on a paycheque due to stat holiday, only to have your dvd player pooch out on ya so you have to use that money to buy a new one?" Just checkin'.
Still petitioning for 36 hour days, and then this might be longer....