T is for Tits

As in my tits. As in my very sore tits. (Aren't you glad you faithfully read this dreck every week *LOL) I've been mashed, shot, poked and prodded, and I find out this week if I'm just deformed, malshaped, or growing things I ought not to be.

T is also for terrific, which Revenge of the Sith was, but I'll wait until R to regale you with mondo spoilers about it. Suffice to say, best movie I've seen in the last three years!!!!!!!!!

Last thought. T is for Tony, the nom familia or whatever it is in latin, that I use for, if not my patron saint, at least the one that makes me feel like I'm accomplishing something when nothing seems to help. Luv ya, Micky, hope you feel better soon.