U is for unusual.

It's not unusual to be loved by anyone....wait, I digress....un usual. Not usual. As in uncommon or not the same as everyone else. Usual is heterosex. Unusual is homosex. Unusual is liking boys and girls. Usual is running around at the last minute trying to get everything done. Unusual is being ahead of schedule and under budget--Disco Brunch, people, come on out! Usual is Southern on ice. Unusual is mimosas. Hey, bunny, if you came to brunch, the mimosas would be on me. Usual is working Saturdays at Star Tek and Saturday nights at the bar. Unusual is a three day weekend courtesy of VTO, shopping just for me, and hanging with Kim getting ready for brunch tomorrow, then coming home at eight and napping all evening. Usual is the aches and pains that come with being forty and fat. Unusual is the additional pains that may or may not be from being forty and fat. Ah well, doctor will tell me this week. Usual is finding not much to say in my journal entries when it's a wack letter like U. Unusual is knowing when to stop instead of just pontificating to the point of ridiculousness simply to hear the sound of my own voice.

Oh, and unusual is buying a St Anthony medallion at Burns and Handley in hopes that the bunny might feel better if I focus my prayers a little more diligently. Or maybe not so unusual....