X is still for XFiles and the two stories that Mick is writing. Blood of Abraham is a brilliant look at Mulder learning how to be an adult of sorts, by having fatherhood thrust onto him in an XF spin that brings him closer to Skinner in ways we're only starting to discover, and creates a new dynamic between him and his closest friends, Scully and the Lone Gunmen. It also includes some of the, and I do mean THE finest Beacon in the Night Skinner moments ever! God, I just want that man to come sweeping in in the company car, white shirt blazing, and fix all the shit in my life somedays! Mick never strays much from canon (aside from the whole baby thing of course *L*) and his characterizations, even with folks like the Gunmen, whom he doesn't use much, are brilliant and spot-on. Aside from a rollicking good XFile, the story even if it was written as original characters, no XF at all, is fucking amazing. This guy could print his laundry list and you'd love it!
Okay, the other story just has the first chapter out, but wow. Dendrite, it's called. thanks to Jaxon. The characterizations in this one reminded me of Mick's Mr Mulder/Mr Skinner series. He's in Mulder's head in a way that makes me laugh out loud. That wise-cracking, sometimes goofy part of the character that us hurt/comfort whores sometimes forget is there. Or if we remember, we can't capture it as eloquently as Mick has. Of course, the first chapter ends on an action note, and a hell of a cliffhanger, and if we don't get more soon, I may spontaneously combust!!
Oh, and I'm doing an XF montage for stepdown next week.
Go. Read some XF fan fic. You won't regret it.