Y is for Yesterday.
Yesterday, the GSM systems made me feel kinda stupid. Today old tdma systems made me feel smart. Yesterday I was flirting with a lesbian and drinking Southern and fruity water. Today I worked and goofed around with new co-workers. Yesterday Vern came by my desk to say he missed having me on his team. Today I sent him an email when I found out his dad went into the ICU, and it made him cry a little. Yesterday I had beef on a bun which was disgusting and delicious at the same time. Today I am having pizza. Yesterday 10 people sat on the dance floor of the gay bar and played a drinking game with free draft. Today I'm bartending and will probably have to cut those same people off. Yesterday was Friday. Today was my last Saturday shift. Yesterday Thane was in a dress, today he's phoning for advice on picture downloading. Yesterday I had fun with friends online. Today I've been trying to get my house clean so I can spend more time with online clan. Yesterday I should have done laundry. Today, I should do laundry. Guess that laundry will get done tomorrow.....