Z is for zeal, zip and zest.

Which I don't seem to have much of these days. Well, that's not entirely true. I have moments. Not whole days, not even whole hours, but occasional seconds and even a few minutes where I'm thinking "yeah, this is so good!" Of course, my zeal tends towards things like XF, AtS and Buffy these days, with a bit thrown in for the Pride Committee, my friends and reading online porn *L* Zip? That's a tougher one. I tend to have to haul myself through life most of the time. Not too much zippy about this old body. But I guess you could say my mind is full of zip. I can think alot. Does that count? And then there's the kicker--that "zest for life" which is supposed to be so much more than soap. I guess I've never had it. I mean, I enjoy alot of things alot of the time, but I don't wake up in the morning prancing and leaping out of bed with a wide-on to tackle everything in life with a song in my heart and a shit-eating grin. Mostly I just have those warm moments, you know. When things feel good, turn out right, make sense, complete the moment if you will. But I don't know that I would take out a full page ad in the "Damn! Life's Good!" Gazette for them, know what I mean? I just like knowing that on the whole, things are going to turn out right a ridiculous amount of the time, and bask in the warm, not hot, glow of the good. Or, as someone else with more than just a nodding acquaintance with Br'er Bear, Br'er Fox and Br'er Rabbit might say: