Ianto Jones currently owns my soul. Now if I can just find that fic that says he never eats, we'll be in glorious shape--remind me to thank Debra Fran Baker for that one again sometime *LOL

I have long distance now so I'm going to make some phone calls this week. I switched from Sasktel to Access and for a buck less a month I get unlimited LD to Canada, US and 30 other countries! Whoop! I have to call mom and dad, maybe tomorrow. They sent me a few bucks and some gorgeous toiletry kit stuff for the trip to PHI for Christmas. I'm sad to say Christmas is coming in February for me as I don't have alot of cash right now to get stuff bought and mailed before I leave. But I'll try and find cool stuff for everyone. And I leave in just over a week! Ack! I'm so not ready! Well, one day at a time and all that rot. I guess I'll have it sorted by the time the plane's ready to leave *L*

Work sent Whit and I to Bothell to train business care and I have to say it was mostly lame and way less scary than I had built up in my mind. We did some shopping and got to see some sites in Seattle, which was very cool, and I love living in hotel rooms--mostly *L* Didn't sleep for shit for the most part, but I'm pretty used to exactly how I fit in my own furniture. But PHI is ten weeks, so I imagine I'll eventually get used to it. But I'm not eating duck embryos! Plus, the hotel in Makati City where I'll be staying is pretty much like an apartment, so it should be a bit of all right.

Nothing new here for TV except Kyle XY in January, so we'll have to remind Jason to tape it or tivo it or whatever. Other than that, I don't think we get series three of Torchwood until after we're back. But there's always bit torrent *LOL Speaking of which, I have all of Torchwood Season 2 and I found copies of the Sentinel so I have alot of burning to do between now and Dec. 9.

Did I mention Ianto yet? *LOL GDL even friended me on myspace, although I suspect in real life he'd last about five minutes with me. Emo/trashy/straight kid. Dunno if I could put up with that. On the other hand, John Barrowman OMG! I'm OMGing him! Not only gay you can see from space, but my kinda gay! He so needs to be in my house for coffee, dammit! Now!

I still miss the fuck out of you know who and it's still killing me in "bucket of chicken" ways. But there's nothing I can do. So never mind that.

this is how I was pre UK (which I'm still homesick for if that makes any sense and can I please move there?) all sick and weepy and bitchy and stressed and the hives should be breaking out any moment now. And then that turned out to be an amazing trip so I'm just going to remind myself of that and try to convince myself that PHI will be no different.

And it's one in the morning, so brunch email has to go out and I have to go to bed.

Oh, Ianto....