So technically this is the first entry of the tenth year of this webpage, even though it's also technically about three months late. Well, shut up, that's why. What's new? I'm explaining dental insurance to people for Great West Life. I'm doing a number at the alumni christmas show next week. I'm thinking of moving to Cardiff if I can ever afford it. I might be working in the Philippines again this winter. I won a big bottle of mint baileys at our floor christmas party last night. I broke a tooth. I haven't talking to Michael Currie in over a year. I lost my phone book. I'm going to Calgary for Christmas on the bus. I am pretty broke. I've got edema or possibly thrombosis or something and could drop in my tracks any day now. I am obsessed with Top Gear and enjoying a renewed friendship with Steven of parkside fame. I am cleaning out my clutter slowly and downloading everything British. I am looking forward to the new Doctor and loving my new LJ icon. I paid for my LJ site for a year so I could have more icons and make it prettier. I finally got Mitchell to move upstairs and off my floor and I hope he doesn't fuck it up. I need to get a story done for the xfile xmas zine, so it's off to Krycek land, and I wrote half a top gear drabble at work on Friday. I've got hives from stress and am craving sweets like mad. I promised the bake exchange shortbread and have to make 12 doz (13, so Whit can have some too) The kids moved to the east side and I miss 'em already (only been a week, but it's weird). GDL dropped out of cyberspace but I'm not taking it personal. I have a twitter account, but only to follow Blue Gillespie. I refuse to tweet, I think it's stupid. I have a cell phone now, prepaid, and think it's stupid too, but convenient for checking the time and calling cabs. We are going to the Coliseum for brunch tomorrow and it's only 11 bucks apparently. I like my new job but have nothing--NOTHING--in common with my co-workers. I have three more secret santa gifts to give and a bunch of Christmas wrapping to do. Oh, and also, I'm a bit knackered. So I think that's all I am for now *L* but I'll be (better when I'm older, I'll be, the biggest fan of your life...) Also, tv is at a high right now. Okay, seriously, it's midnight and I'm turning into a fat pumpkin.

Cheers, mate; 'night.