The bad news is the company that makes Circus Animal cookies went under. My heart is breaking. Not only amazing cookies in their own right, but such a strong connection to advent and parties and my own bear and bunny. I'm feeling a little lost without them.
The good news is my edema is practically non existent.
The bad news is I'm so f**king unorganized it makes my brain explode, and I feel completely unready to face the Philippines.
The good news is I only have three more eps of Torchwood to burn. The bad news is Ianto Jones still owns my soul, which is also making me nuts and making it hard to write M/K. But I persevere. Might be a day or two late. And I still want Mulder to go to Skinner at the end of IWTB, which is languishing on my computer even as we speak. The good news is I have some discs to copy all that crap to the laptop while I'm away. The good news is also that I should be able to download netscape 4 so I can continue updating while I'm away.
The bad news is the humidity in the Philippines is around 75% and I have hives.
The good news is Doctor Who and the bad news is snow and the good news is mom and dad just called and I could do this all day *L*

Just 'cos....