More thoughts and actions from Makati City

Well, work first. It's fine. I don't much like doing side by sides (this involves jacking in to the reps phone, listening to the call and evaluating it live, then discussing the call with the agent) But it has given me a chance to get to know the wave one crew, and they all seem very nice. And they have been some helpful in learning some language, and finding out cool places to go and stuff. Also, couple of them are cute and if I thought there was a hope in hell of them making a decent cup of coffee, I'm sure I'd figure out a way to smuggle one home in my luggage *L* At any rate, the agents are cool. The soft phones are a challenge, but so far everything's been pretty str8forward. Also, i have my desk and some toys and pics on it, so I feel a bit at home. I also have a locker, cos that's what they do around here. And of course, a doorman who won't let a lady open the door no matter what--they're all like that here, and I'm getting quite spoiled.
Yeah, it's americano with sugar, but free is still free and I think my lowly center should celebrate it's iminent demise with free coffee for the last two weeks.
The crew from abroad seem nice enough, although just as self absorbed as I am. As usual, Star Tek Regina finds itself to be the red-headed stepchild of the center. Oh, didn't you know? didn't anyone tell you? We changed the time, we thought you knew? Oh, were you supposed to get that? We thought you were in the other van. etc. etc. Pretty much par for the course, but in Jonesboro I think Regina was the strong majority, so it's probably harder for Whit to deal with. I'm hoping this crew will shape up, but I have no real illusions about it, and am pretty happy not to be all into the team building stuff. Which we had to do three times so far, and it's not been the most pleasant, but bearable.
The fish market itself is very cool. Outside MoA (mall of Asia) and really fish market describes it. We all went together in two vans--ours got lost but as a result we got to see the big market before we got to the restaurant. Lots of dvd stands which peaked my interest. Tons of fresh fish of all shapes and sizes. Kinda gross, but really, you know that shit was breathing water minutes ago. *L* So we checked it out, then went to SIS, a fish restaurant. The way it works is this--you point out fresh fish that you want, then take your table. They give you bottles of pop and water, and then food starts coming out on plates to share. Here's the list we got, and wow, tons of food:
lapu lapu
some other fish *L*
coconut shrimp
shrimp with eyes
giant shrimp
breaded squid
Crazy amounts of food! I'll tell you right off that I hated most of it. Crawly, bad tasting, awash in spicy sauces, no napkins and you're expected to eat with your hands. Yuk!! The tuna was wonderful, though, and so was the giant shrimp. Maybe the tequila they were passing around the other end of the table would have helped *L* Pretty cool to smoke at the table, though. Which I did. Also, you could people watch like mad as the restaurant is outside and on the boardwalk overlooking some bay. Brilliant. Lots of people, and even buskers. Two pseudo mime guys who were very entertaining (see pics on facebook) and a little girl dancing at one point. very cool stuff. But alas, no real bonding moments, unless you count me borrowing Barb's lighter at one point *L* But, you can bet it's something I could never experience at home.
Susan, the startek int'l vp had us to her condo for Christmas dinner. I made a chocolate pudding thing as it was potluck. It turned out pretty good even though I don't like pudding much. I ate all of Whit's lemon (soup) squares. Note to all interested parties. Whit says condensed milk is so not the same here as at home. Lemon extract is uber tasty though, compared to realemon. So there's that. At any rate, everyone at the condo. Interesting place--owned by Chinese people who left everything from furniture to Chairman Mao action figures *L* So neat place. My camera died, but others got photos. The pork (lechon, the official christmas dish apparently) was great. The rest I could take or leave. again, because for those of you who followed my UK adventure know, I'm all about the food:
Christmas Dinner:
Majestic (local) ham (ick!)
Honeybaked ham
roast pork (lechon)
Rice with pine nuts (weird soapy taste)
Green beans with sausage
Corn and lettuce salad (the corn tasted like summer)
Glazed carrots
Devilled eggs
Lemon squares
Chocolate pudding
Flourless chocolate cake

We got presents from Ed, the site director (little star tek portable drives) and played secret santa. Whit got black pearls. I got 500 pesos.  Better bonding. talked to brian, one of the trainers and obviously he's going to be my go to guy for help. cornell is fun, but I don't think he or Matt (think Mike Exner), the other trainers are as likely to be as helpful, and really haven't seen much of Krista at all. At any rate, best/worst part of the night is how even though both vans were full when we came to the condo, the folks in the van with three empty seats on the way back didn't notice they were missing anyone. They abandoned Whit, Brandon from Ohio and I. Yeesh. So we called Cornell who got the van to come back for us, but we did give them the piss the next day. How do you not notice something like that. See above on red headed stepchildren. Well, we did say we wanted to be ginger (Dr Who reference)

Mass at the Chapel in Greenbelt was amazing, but I just couldn't stay. The chapel is gorgeous and huge, but it was packed. Every pew full and three deep standing behind that and spillingout onto the bridge leading to the chapel and onto the lawn around it. Speakers, so everyone could hear, thankfully. I think Whit got a bit bored by the reading of the rosary, and I couldn't remember all the responses, but it was gorgeous the way the priest almost sang each line. The procession after that was stunning, with sweet altar boys and a beautiful candle lighting ceremony, and even crazy strong incence and all. Really spectacular. But we were standing amongst the crush, dying of heat and unable to move, so had to evacuate before fainting. I intend to go back again when it's not Christmas eve as it's a stunning place. And really really what I needed. Be still, as Mick would say, and so say I.

I posted a story on LJ about my favorite pairings and illustrated it with pics from the coffeeshops in greenbelt where I took myself for a coffee which was lovely. I've eaten at a Mcdonalds here (good, especially the toy) and Shakey's pizza (slow but saw a lizard on the wall outside, however, some folks went there for lunch the other night and saw a rat, so don't imagine we'll be back there any time soon). Haven't been to jollybees yet, but it's on the list. A new M&S opens next month and hopefully they will have hobnobs as the current one doesn't :(

Random thoughts:Bought groceries at SM Makati and the fruit is brilliant, not to mention the fact that they have Tim Tams! Yay! Got more pots and pans for the apt but I need more hangers.
 the cats here are skinny. The breakfast always has at least one good thing on the menu (banana crepes today). I miss real coffee almost as much as I miss Mitchell making it. Thank god for Torchwood, and having Whit here to obsess with me *L* I'm still homesick. It's always hot here, but no sun to speak of--mostly grey, so no sunburn. My fat is not going away, but seems to be less here, which i know makes no sense unless you live in my body, but there you have it. And we're going to Mall of Asia today.

This is the last update from 2008--see ya next year!