B is for Booze

Booze, cocktails, drinks, beer, BIG beers, shooters, girl! You name it, we got it. And not only does it sell in all shapes and sizes, the results vary from user to user. Booze is what makes the tips that buys the brunch that calms the soul that hates the drama....but needs to rehash it the next day over eggs and sausages *L* Booze is the great equalizer. Nobody's pretty bent over the toilet. Okay, me, maybe, but I'm a rare exception *L*. Booze is the primary source of income for the GLCR, the land of the rotating management and annoying lesbians. *L* Booze is something you buy with (according to Jai from Queer Eye) A DOLLAR a drink!!! That's the tip, folks, figure it out. Barring that, though, you rude bitches, you could try a please once in a while. If the best you can do is grunt out the words "Bud and Clam", well, gee, I can't understand why you're still single. Booze can also give us another B word--bravery. Kudos to the little guy in the tie, for having a few beers on what was obviously a first visit, and finding it in himself to talk to a guy he found attractive. Good on you, buddy, and if that Great Western Light helped, so be it. There's not enough booze in the world to put up with bullshit, though--oh, look, another B word *L*. Everything that gets done gets done for a reason, some of them nefarious. I refuse to play into the drama. Yeah, it's a shame, but you think he's the first manager to get fired? Not bloody likely. This too shall pass, and we just have to put up with the power hungry bitches til April. It's hard to adjust, knowing that you've gone from good guy to bad guy again, but B is also for Belief. And I believe in myself, my friends, my position in the community. I don't have to flaunt it, or act aggressive over it, the fact is, I have power, and I don't really have to worry. Ask Cory, he'll tell you me in martyr mode is not a thing to be messin' with *L*

In the meantime, honorable mention to Trish, who got a vote in the people's Choice ballots--she was voted favorite manager by someone for "quitting before the board could fire her" *LOL

Someone get me a drink! :)