C is for Cougars!

yes, it's the annual visit and I suspected I'd be doing these updates drunk, but my crappy period managed to sober me up. Bleah. and after all those jello shots, too. Near bout killed ol' Aunty Anne, though, who's camped out on my couch and has to be at work to do a wedding in just under 4 hrs. Lucky him *L* Deedz didn't show up, Mitch and Ryan did dirty numbers, but dirty in a good way--can't wait to get those mpegs from Elaine, Elaine got her own page, Lee got worst dressed award, Shane got bitter, PtCS made what looks like enough profit to keep the phones running another six months. Connie was a little tragic, but Jenny was fabulous. Simone is totally annoying but very high energy--she brought her own fans *L* I got a cougar award and candles, we had ham for supper, and I'm drinking diet Dr Pepper. These are great friends, but I wish all my friends could be here. I don't know what Mitchell was thinking, dragging that twinkasaurus around all night--I hope he didn't trick with him. Brian tricked with Simone I hear. eek. Thom was suspiciously bitter about that, but that's Brian. How does the song go? Oh yeah--they're all twelve, they need the attention. So be it. Shane and Lee did a kick ass job decorating. We are having fun, and they are here for another two days Yay! :)