D is for Dancing
Dancing is the best feeling ever. Even if it is just in your head at the back of the room at a Great Big Sea concert, or crazy flailing in the box seats at the top of the room at same. Dancing naked is apparently where it all starts, and the most exhilarating or frightening thing ever, depending on your point of view. Listen to Kevin Bacon talk about dancing in Flashdance. Lord of the Dance (not the scary one, just a demon, as Tara would say) is a great song, and about the only hymn I can ever remember liking as a child.  Dancing can make you feel good no matter what. You can dance in a chair, in your living room, in your underwear, or under the lights of the disco ball in a room full of gay men who all know the words to It's Raining Men. You can dance for pleasure when the only music is in your head. Or the beat of the bodhran (sp?) can make you dance even when it's the last thing you thought you'd want to do. As Sean, Alan and the bunny would say,

"For God's sake, have a dance!"