E is for Eat!

That's right! It's Gospel Brunch time again!! And yeah, I know, I'm probably getting more out of it than anyone else as I embark on this whatever it is--spiritual journey?? Trek, quest, search for whatever it is that I seem to need right now. I dunno. Whatever. I can still enjoy it just for the hi-energy factor, and I'm the first to poke fun at institutions, no matter what they are. Not to mention the fact that I think, truthfully, some organized religions, no matter what they say about believing in God, are just purely fucked. They're run by bad men doing bad things in the name of God....the minute I hear that I or any of my friends are off to hell for being the people God made us, forget it, I'm outta there. If God didn't want us to be what we are, then you tell me why he made us, huh? Sure, we suck sometimes, but who doesn't, right? Doesn't mean that we are lesser than other people. I think we're all equal in the eyes of God, and that as long as our hearts are in the right place, well then, look at your desiderata.....the Universe is always unfolding as it should.

Except for those floods...oh, and menstrual cramps--that's just going a little too far for a joke, dontcha think, God? In the meantime, keep my friends safe and well for another week, and feel free to join me at my house for coffee, and who knows, I might make it to your place again soon.

Take care of that cold, bunny.