G is for Gay

Of course it is. And what better time to be gay in Saskatchewan, when we've just legalized gay marriage!! Now don't be daft, you twinks!! Doesn't mean you have to be married, just means you can, like every other human being. Fair is fair, I say!! Of course, G is also for George, and don't even get me started on what it means to have four more years of that crazy, dumb-ass in power. Hope you all aren't too attached to any buildings, not to mention your kids.  Can I get someone to call Phil Ochs for another verse of the Draft Dodger Rag? (seriously, it's a great song!) It's all sick and bad down there, and I despair for my friends...Okay, back to the good G word. I've been a happy member of the gay community here now for 16 years--can you believe it?? More of my life has been spent in Regina than in Calgary now. This is a good thing. At this point, it's pretty much a given that I couldn't get out of the gay community even if I wanted to. It's just a fact. If I like a guy (or heck, even a girl at this point *L*) and he's the least bit interesting, or attractive, or even just smells decent, he's gay. No way round it so why bother trying. But, having said that, I'm not trying. I like it here, with my friends, and my reputation and the good feeling I get when something like the legal marriage thing happens. Oh don't get me wrong, we have our share of big dick-heads too. Believe it. Just cos a guy is gay doesn't mean he's in my house for coffee, or that he's not a complete git!! and dont even get me started on cheap bitchy dykes--that's a whole nother rant!! *L* But the fact is, I've always found more good than bad in the gay community, and as long as there are boys loving boys and girls loving girls, I'm going to be around....

G is also for God, who I've learned to appreciate.