is for Hope.
That's kind of what it all comes down to, isn't
it. We all say it, we all do it: I should hope so! I hope he likes me;
I hope I get that raise; I hope you don't mind....; Nice hair, hope you
win. But is hope just internal wishful thinking, the mindless fantasies
that keep us going in the darkest times? I hope it doesn't get worse? I
hope the plane doesn't crash.Or is hope with a capital H the collective
beliefs of everyone focused into the needs of each of us, confirming the
existence of the possible, channeling together to make hope more than just
something that we wish would happen: Hope it helped; hope you know how
much you mean to me; hope I get it. If hope is the desire in each one of
us to have the best, feel the best, get the best, then HOPE is the Higher
Power that gives us all those things that keep us coming back for more,
keep us believing, keep us hoping.....