J  is for Journal
This is a journal. I use it to record my thoughts. I use it to voice my opinions. I use it to share my feelings. I also have a live journal. That's a web journal. It's more open to the public. I use it to record my thoughts. I use it to voice more opinions, sometimes more political, sometimes more along the lines of what other people might be interested in. I use it to share my feelings, though sometimes I obfuscate the feelings in question, so as not to alarm the masses, or frighten the children. I have been keeping a journal for as long as I can remember being able to write. A journal solidifies a moment in time, makes it real, makes it memorable. A journal can tell you where you've been, where you are, where you're going. A journal can record the temperature outside, or gauge your emotional weather. A journal can show healing progress, or sick behaviours. It can be shared, or private. It should always be the truth. After all, if it's not true, then it's not a journal, it's a story, and that's something almost entirely different. In my journals, I laugh, love, pray, rejoice, despair and dance without moving. A journal can be nothing more than a footnote in history: Nov 27, 2002; bought milk, fell in love. Or a journal can be the difference between life and death: June 10, 1990; I am going to get through this and not drink and take pills and eat myself dead. Or a journal can just be a non verbal moment to thank your Higher Power for all the generous gifts in your life. Thank you.