M is for Miracles
"M is for Merry Mint Madness on Musical Mopeds, hold the Mayo"
M is for Miracles. The big ones you read about in the bible, and the little ones that are just as amazing, like purple flowers, gay marriages, Christmas lights, shortbread and cellar doors. Okay, that last one's a given, but still.  Miracles come in all shapes and sizes, from bone marrow donors to puppies and everything in between. Miracle is an overused word sometimes, and sometimes people fail to see the miraculous thinking that they are paying some homage to a deity they don't even want to believe in simply by taking a minute to appreciate something that is miraculous by definition because it's easier to say "that's a miracle" than to say "wot the hell--?" ie Elvis Stoiko's quad, or that kid in the Garth Brooks video. Now don't get me wrong, I'm the most cynical bitch I know, but I can only be cynical about the things that deserve it, but taking the time to be a wide eyed child when the situation warrants it too. Of course, I could go on about Christmas miracles, and all that stuff, but I'll save it for Adventbunny (http://www.livejournal.com/users/adventbunny)(shameless plug) or about Miracle Whip, but that's a whole other eating disorder. Instead, I'll say that some of my most amazing miracles have come in the form of people (and you know who you are) and I will never take the miracle that is you all for granted.  And since there will be no post next week, as it's Christmas and all, Happy Christmas, and love to you all!