O is for obsessive...
Which I am, and we all know that. And always have been. If it's not one thing it's another. As far back as I can remember, I've been a collector, a fan, a worshipper at the altar of meaningless facts. Someone who needs to know. Not to tell, not to further myself. Just to know. And know that I know. I think the first thing I can remember obsessing over was mice. Well, rodents in general--I had a huge crush on Templeton from Charlotte's web--don't look at me that way, I was five for heaven's sake! (bit o trivia--he was voiced in the movie by Paul Lynde--was I born a fag hag or what? *L*) I collected mice, real and china, got them for gifts, wrote stories about them.
Food of course, but that we can save for some other entry.
Then, (drumroll please) 1977....Star Wars....Look out! I didn't have a jillion dollars for collectibles, but by God what I had I worked! And I still have almost everything I ever collected, from action figures to magazine articles, posters and t-shirts, photo-cards (a big thing at the head shops back in the day), fanfiction ("C3P0 and R2D2 Visit Calgary"--again, quit rolling your eyes, I was twelve!) I wanted to live that adventure. And it didn't stop. From SW to Empire (Gak! Han Solo got pretty--when did that happen? Oh yeah, while I was obsessing over Battlestar Galactica and going quietly insane. You don't think so? Well, do you know the name of the actor who played Omega on the bridge--he was the communications lieutenant--not Colonel Tigh, the cute gay one with the big nose? I do. *L*) And Empire was just so damned good--and fast--and there were more action figures, more fanfiction, more books and magazines. ROtJ, muppets aside, just as brilliant and I'd still do obscene acts for a Salacious Crumb puppet.
Somewhere in the midst of all this SW obsession, food continued, and so did gay men, again, some other entry.
Ah, discovered the joys of smoking, which I'm still fighting to undiscover, and of course, couldn't be a casual smoker, had to go hardcore. Obsessed with it you might say *L*
Still more fanfiction, this time with gay disco bands, a quickie obsession in the mid eighties (Hell, it was the mid eighties, there weren't anything but gay disco bands *L*) Dressed like Boy George for a while, knew when Neil Tennant's birthday was, and the name of Holly Johnson's boyfriend. Then there were the co-dependent obsessions with real people, which I don't need to go into here, not just for the sake of my sanity, but for your own--suffice to say, Prince music still messes me up occasionally.
So, mini obsessions--with drag, with vampires, with magic rocks and then...
Ah, Fox....
X-Files came along just about the same time as the internet for me, and the two combined into my biggest obsession to date. And it's so not done. My brain is crowded with M/Sk stories yet to be written, I never tire of watching episodes, buying books, finding toys and things on ebay. I read and reread beloved fanfic,and even go so far as to watch drek like Full Frontal and Vampire in Brooklyn, just to see a familiar XF face. And although I've had my "oh my God it's Giles and he's singing I've just peed myself" moments, and a brief foray into Spander fic that made my head ache *L*, it keeps coming back to Fox and Walter and I just can't get enough.
Of course, that new SW movie is out in 133 days, and we keep hearing rumours of the new XF movie too....
In the meantime, I'll keep watching the Mountain, and my dvds, and remember:

Obsessive is evissesbo spelled backwards!
(thanks Jax!)