Q is for Queen

As in the Queen of England, who, despite a few family dramas (and whose family doesn't have those) is still looking pretty, uh, well, okay, she still looks the same. And she's got great hats. You go, Betty Windsor!

As in Queen, one of the most influential rock bands of the seventies and eighties, with quite possibly the gayest lead singer in the history of the world (his gay was so intense you could see it from space *L*) How much do I love that head-banging str8 guys worldwide dug this band and had no clue that Freddy Mercury's butch moustache wearing tank top tight jeans look was pure 1974 San Fran gay clone? tee hee. And of course, the music is/was awesome. I found Queen through Bohemian Rhapsody in 1980 (already a classic) and went on to devour their entire catalogue, although that song remains a favorite, along with, of course, We are The Champions and Fat Bottomed Girls.  We lost Freddy Mercury to AIDS, as we've lost so much talent to that 'never should have happened' disease, but the music remains, as amazing as ever, still soundtracking major life events, as it will for years to come. Yes, it is a kind of magic!

As in ya big queen! I love big queens--the nellier the better--squeal like a girl over that new belt--show me more product for your hair in your bathroom than in a salon--tell me all about being a big bottom!! I miss Trixie Pan Am. No, really. I miss drag queens that dragged out standards by Billie Holliday and Jennifer Holiday (??) and Eartha Kitt. I miss group numbers. I miss queens that had fun, that didn't take it all so serious--at the end of the day, kids, y'all are just boys in dresses! I fell in love with my first drag queen in 1983 and never looked back. I'm sure they'll be wheeling me into Coronation in an iron lung or something for my triple decade twenty years from now *L* (speaking of--court show this Saturday, PtCS Brunch Feb 13 and the Annual Oscars Feb 26. Get your tickets now!)

And of course, I'm your hostess here, Michele, aka Queen of Fucking Everything *LOL