R is for rut....

And not just the ruts in the road that we're forced to walk through since the snow is covering the sidewalks and the only hope of getting to work is to walk along a path the width of a tire...
No, I mean those comfortable, familiar, enjoyable times that some of us don't want to see end. Oh, they d0, don't get me wrong, and as Hershey's says, 'change is bad!', but we roll with the punches, move on, cos, lets face it, what else can you do?
Rut is a scary word for some, and often taken in a negative context--means you can't change. I like my ruts. Not rutting, you sickos *L* I mean that I like familiarity--come on, anyone who's known me for, like, two seconds, can figure that out. I like knowing there's a paycheque every two weeks. I like being able to plan my day, plan my week, knowing in some way that no matter what life hurls at me, some of it will stay the same. I'll still be here, doing what I do.
I like to watch movies I've seen, tv shows again and again, re-read books for the nth time. Bring on the spoilers for that latest SW movie--won't spoil it for me!
I want to call my dad and hear about hockey cards. I want to turn on the computer and listen to Mulder's basketball (don't ask *L*). I like watching tv with Mitch on Mondays, training bartenders on Thursdays, brunching on Sundays.
Of course it's all different. Things change, people change, interest rates fluctuate....
and that's okay.
Just, lets have a few things that don't, y'know, to kind of balance it out? Hey, Neal--new house, different city, different interests, but you're still Buster, and I'll always be Babs.

This would probably be why I'm still fat *L*

But seriously...
We've got a new no smoking bylaw, and legal gay marriage. But the snow is still deep and the wind still biting, and spring is still going to show up eventually. Our boys have new boyfriends, our girls have dumb girlfriends, and our friends sometimes don't see eye to eye. But the coffee's always on, and there's always something to talk about. Brunch is sometimes gluten free, less frequently crazy and smelling funny, and sometimes the roll call takes less time. But apparently lasagna and eggs will always go well together, and cheezy veggies will stay on the menu for months.
Nothing lasts forever, but somethings will last a lifetime, and since 1/2 my lifetime has been spent co-depending or recovering from same, be forewarned y'all. I don't change. Not my feelings (much *L*), not my hairstyle (or so it feels like). I'm in it for life.

Come on, I'll lead you through this rut, and who knows, we might find some fun little changes to play with along the way.