U is for...
unicorn. Okay, brief description (for that one guy who doesn't know what one is): Like a horse, but more graceful, extinct or never existed beyond the realm of fantasy, apparently, and having a horn growing out of it's head that may or may not have magical healing properties; also, attracted to virgins, if you believe the mythology.
Now the theory:
You know how every single little girl, in their bid for womanhood (usually between the ages of, oh, say 11-15) goes through the "pony" stage? You know, they want to be cowgirls, or they collect horses in the form of pictures, china figurines, toys, you name it. Every friend I had, female, around that age, did it. My theory (not *the* theory, I'm getting to that) is that it's a sex thing. I'm just sayin'....sleek, powerful, well hung, between your legs...as close as little girls get to articulating that sort of thing, you know?
Okay, the real theory:
I was a unicorn fan, hated horses. Still don't like the things, for that matter--too big, too mean, too likely to do bodily damage to you (yeah, I'm surprised being forced to go horseback riding at 12 and getting scraped off the back of a horse twice my height didn't make it to my therapy sessions *L*). Anyway, I digress....So, in the course of growing up, discovering boys, doing all those normal girly things, we also discovered that Michele is only attracted to gay boys. Like gaydar gone wonky. Hmmm...
What's that got to do with bloody unicorns, you ask? I'm gettin' there....
Okay, unicorns. Think about it. Okay, I'll break it down. Girls love horses, girls start dating boys, girls get married, live happily ever yada yada yada.
Now, unicorns...what are they again? Oh yeah, like horses, but more graceful, more beautiful, and since they are fantasy figures, it's not likely that you're ever going to get one for your birthday....
See the connection?
Well, that's one theory, anyway....

"You've got your green alligators and long-necked geese
Some humpty-back camels and your chimpanzees,
Your cats and rats and elephants but sure as you're born
You just won't see no unicorns...."