V is for vodka.
That comes in jello shooters. That are tasty. That Mitchell made. And that I wound up whoring out upstairs for a buck a piece just to get rid of them. That last batch were a little messy, but tasty just the same. Oscar show last night--nowhere near busy enough, or organized enough, or long enough. But everyone had a good time, it seems, and though we were a small crowd, we still managed (figuring after liquor returns) about a 500.00 profit. Not quite the thousands of dollars we were hoping for, but there's always next year. Now what was I saying? Oh yes, vodka....
Vodka that is nowhere near as tasty as Southern, but you make due. Plus, everyone drinks vodka--you can hide vodka in a zillion drinks, and never even know you're having it.
Vodka makes the friends friendlier and the enemies friends. It's the great equalizer. If you've had enough vodka, you'll fall down just like everyone else *L*
I needed more vodka. I drank to excess, but not nearly enough to deaden the freak show that is going on below the waist. So I waited another hour after I got home, since I was sober enough to be in agony, but too drunk to take drugs. Then I dosed myself with advil and passed out in my chair *L*
So Vodka....
Vodka makes updates late....

Someone get me a Blanche!