W is for writing. All writing. Whether it's bad SW fanfiction from the pen of a twelve year old, or the neat cursive of that tranny at the end of the bar, sharing the latest drunken funny moment. It could be a novel that seems tame by our standards, but set the publishing world on its ear back in the day. (I'm thinking the Fancy Dancer by Patricial Warren). It could be poetry; haiku, stylish and clever, or free verse, for the guys who can't make it rhyme. It could be filk, homage to song lyrics, where you fight to make not each word, but each syllable work in the original context. It could be amazingly bad writing, a movie where you know the lines before the actors recite them, and you can't help wondering of the lead actor, "Did this guy have to pay a bill that month, or what?" It could be fanfiction, of course. The genre where so many of the best writers in the world have found their calling. Where the click of a mouse can bring you some of the finest written word, and you wonder why the hell Simon and Schuster is bothering with a badly spelled, horribly edited, typed by monkeys offering like "Chosen" when a story like "Sad Lovers and Giants" isn't making the author a jillion dollars a second for being so damned good! Oh, and scripts--movie scripts, tv scripts, yeah, okay, throw comic books in here too, cos there are some writers in those fields that have figured out that words have their own music. They make words dance. From "Aren't there any weapons in here?" to "No time for love, Dr. Jones" to "Don't think--just pick up that phone and make it happen." The idea that a string of nonsensical scribbles that we have attributed sound to can come together to make a larger sound, and those are combined with structure and rules to make sense somehow, to paint a picture in a reader's head that captures a moment, a mood, a feeling. It's boggling.

Oh, and for you updatey types--nothing new here--same ol' twink drama, just new names for the kids. Although there is that whole Pride thing coming up soon and you just know that's going to be a great big can of "wha-fuck?!" *L*

Apparently W is also for Wha-fuck?!
