Y is for you.

Yeah, you. You over there who thinks I don't think about you. And you, in the back, who annoys me so much I sometimes think I need to chainsaw you. And you over there, who lives in my heart and my prayers nearly 24/7. And you, beside him, taking up the rest! And you, who I've always missed and can't wait to see again. And you, with your fabulous life that I wish I could be more a part of. And you, with the attention span of a gnat. And you, worrying over nothing and forgetting what's real and what's not (Like I'm a good judge of that) And all of you there, whom I need more than I can ever say. And you, who make things pretty all the time. And you--you need to give yourself more credit. And you out there on the coast--man, I miss the fuck outta you! And you with him--better be taking care of him! And you and you--I wish we had more time! And you--where have you been? And of course you--happy birthday! And you and you, though you're miles and miles apart, I think of you both the same--how many days now? And you and yours--don't kill him, he's just a man! And you and you and the kids with you--I wish I could spend more time with you. And you and you--write me! And you; I miss you even when you're in the same room. And you and you--you need to get out of my bar. And you; you're turning out to be quite a friend. And you; don't let them get you down. Oh yeah, you too, I see you there, waving; coffee's on. And you and you--new friends, bringing unexpected joy to my life. And you there, so cute and spazzy, I wanna be you! And you and you and you....