Z is for Zoo
Which last night was. Not til one, granted, but then we got smacked. Busy busy. Good tips though. Had a great time with Deedz and the Mighty Bussing Kilt o doom--thanks for the help, lady!
 Z is for Zoo
Which is also my life. Too many meetings and committees and functions and trying to organize the whole planet when most days I can't even change a lightbulb. And then eating myself up about perceived failures until I'm puking sick about it. And then add on that it's spring and season of change and new stuff at work, oh, and did I mention this is again that glorious woman time where I've the urge to rip my eyeballs out only cos it would hurt less? Yeah--no good.
Z is for Zoo
I wish we had a zoo here, but conversely, zoo's are bad and I'm glad that we can claim to still have wild animals out there that aren't stuck in suburbs because we've wiped out all their habitats. Though the Geese on the Wascana Parkway need to go. As does the Wascana Parkway for that matter--makes the south end too far away *L*
Z is for some other words, most of which have no meaning in my life, so take a left turn now at 'that's completely insane' blvd, and follow me:
Z is for Easter!
And I wish you all a happy day, no matter whether it's church and peace, brunch and family, chocolate bunnies and trying to decide if you eat the ass first! Or a combination of all these things. Know you are all in my thoughts and prayers!