may 20, 1982

Hi!! Sorry, I fell asleep yesterday. When I went shopping, I bought a nightgown. It is violet with lots of lace. It's nice. I also got new Sparx runners, but they're peach, instead of blue. ___ will flip. I saw this nice black shirt that I'm gonna get for ___. I also got a record with my shoes. It's quite good. It has "Working for the Weekend", "Wango Tango", and "Letting Go" on it. I can hardly wait for this weekend. ___ sounded like he was looking forward to it too, when I talked to him on the phone last night. This writing is pretty neat. I love it. Life is pretty marvy. I'm glad now that I didn't kill myself in March '81. I'd have really missed alot. Of course, alot has gone wrong this year too, but on the whole, I've had quite the year. It's been pretty damned marvy, eh? Now I am listening to "Letting Go." I wonder if ___ is going to breach (break through) the space wall to visit me today. I hpe so. I haven't talked to him all week. But I guess he needs me less now that he and ___ are back together. Anyway, I have to get dressed, so I'll talk at you when I'm ready.
___ is in love with ___. Poor ___!!
Well, ___ really hates my new runners, but this is life. I love them.