July 28th

I was planning on a long story about all that's gone on this weekend, but I'm beat.

Suffice to say, I went home, saw the folks, played cool Aunty with the niece and nephew, got to see lots of relatives, got made much over, got caught in the rain, enjoyed coffee with ___ and ___, who are still two of the best friends a girl could have, got to hook up with ___ and ____, whom I haven't seen in forever (and ___, I do promise to write more, even if it's boring!)

all that family kicks ass. Its just so fun to be around them, and they have a way of living life to the fullest, enjoying themselves and others, and loving one another, not to mention anyone else who comes along, that is an absolute inspiration, you know?

We had a bbq and it rained on us and didn't spoil the party a bit. Lots of kids around, which can get a bit unnerving, but...

Happy birthday ___ and ___. ___, I wish you could have been there, but I hope you had a good time.

___, there's no way I can send you guys to Vegas. Nice dream, but who has that sort of money. Oh, wait, ___ and ___ do. *L*

I did manage to hook up with ___, ___, ___ and ___, for a little while. That was nice. And for the most part, all appears well.

There's some ___ and ___ stuff going on with ___, but hopefully it will pass. If it doesn't, well, not much I can do about it.

This is going to be a hectic week, it's late, I'm talking to the Jedi of my dreams, and trying to update, so I should probably run, but hey, you know. Next week, same bat time, same bat channel...