March 17, 1992

I don't intend to let all this overwhelm me. I will dissemble the situation and tackle each issue separately and at my own pace, accepting the tonic of positivity and voiding the poisons of negativity. There is no time constraints on me. I have my whole life to learn and grow.
I am strong. I am invincible. I am possessed by Helen Reddy. AAH!
It's one AM and I feel good. I think what I did was to take those ten deep breaths-mentally. I was trying to cope and fix and act and react all at once. Now my vision is clearer and I feel, well, refreshed. (Like a mind douche???) I am getting silly, I know, but it happens. Anyway...
So, I think I shall end this pretty quick. Although I'm not too tired, so I may wrtie more when I get home. For now, I think I need to take some physical deep breaths. If I keep writing, I may bollux myself again, and it's an icky feeling. See ya later, baby.
Love is a feeling, not a face, love is a journey, not a place...