June 4, 1994

I'm ba-a-ack. I am working the door at la cha for the big drag show. Big deal. I am tired and my feet are sore. I am almost at that time of the month, and I can tell cuz all I wan't to do is sit in ___'s arms and veg out. I'll snap out of it, like I do every month, but I don't think it's fair that I have to bleed on my birthday. Mais, c'est la vie. I guess ___ is doing hard rock tonight-let's just call him ___! tee hee.
This is so boring. Oh well. I should have brought a book!
Three days til my birthday. Mom and Dad sent me some books and a pen. Plus they bought my work shoes when I was home in April. Cool.
I miss my dog.
Hard to believe-