(ah, Texas, home of the smrt...)

"What are we going to do about Bobby? He seems bent on destroying everything I own. Why can't he harness that energy and do something useful? Like that boy with no legs who ran across Canada."
-Hank Hill

"Do one thing, every day, that scares someone."

"If there's a better friend than a roll of duct tape, I'd like to meet him."

"Are you sure you're not an alien? 'Cause you've abducted my heart"
-Dale Gribble

"While I was blacked out, was anything inserted into me?"
-Dale Gribble

"I'd like to buy some chloroform, a roll of duct tape, and this gagging bandana."

"Firing people gives you a pretty good buzz, but it's a poor substitute for killing."
-Dale Gribble

DALE: I'd like to live in your fairy-tale world, Hank, but the Fair Play For Cuba Committee is retro-fitting my mower to power Fidel's one-man escape sub.

LUANNE: Bobby, I put out two of your mom's apple brown bettys. Now, I'm no mathemagician, but there's only one here now -- did you eat the other one?
BOBBY: I can see how you might jump to that conclusion, given last night's cupcake incident.

BILL: The only person I ever showed my toes to was my ex-wife. She used them against me in the divorce.
HANK: You don't have to be embarrassed about your feet, Bill, it's just a medical condition.
BILL: That's easy for you to say, but I don't see you waving your narrow urethra around for everyone to see.
