
"Uploading.  The transfer of memory, of consciousness, to the distributive system maintained by the A.I."
-Esther Nairn, Kill Switch

Welcome to the land 'o' links!!  As I get permission, or blatantly steal from people the information you need to visit their sites, I will post them, with all the appropriate bells and whistles to get you there from here.  I hope to spotlight a variety of pages reflecting the diverse (or bi-polar, depending on how well you know me) nature of my interests.  Most importantly, if you would like to see your site linked here(and why wouldn't you?), send me the URL and a brief description, and I'll see what I can do.  If you're feeling really creative, make up a banner or a button, just 'cuz that'd be cool...

Andrea says: Most people overlook the charm of the prairies and their simple beauty. Most of my photography is from my own back yard.The photographs that are not from my backyard are still often nature-centered. The rest, like my life, is a hodgepodge. They are small vignettes of things that briefly grab my attention. At any rate, I hope that these images grab your attention too.

Where the goddess goes to worship...
For some of the best damned XFiles fan fiction in the universe, the Three Way Stop is a must! Frogdoggie, Blue Mohairbear and Mik offer all manner of pairings and plots guaranteed to warm the cockles of your heart...and maybe a few other things as well! Run, don't walk, to this fabulous site!

You'll find it all right here....even the truth....
This is where to find all the best XF slash, including Mik and myself, just to name two :)

Blair! Blair, honey, are you okay?
the same folks who amazed me with the Basement archive put this together for fans of the boys of Cascade, the slashiest, most dangerous city in America!

Bling from the land of X-OK. Check it out, buy me something nice!

what in gay hell?!
Ah, the speed divas--queens so fabulous that the wonder that is Curt gave them their own site! He is responsible for the fabulous web-work, as well as all of the art, I helped with the scripts, and of course, the Speed Divas themselves are responsible for all the fabulousness that lies herein!

Like we didn't know art and gay go hand in hand...
Hey, check out this site for all the best in gay comics, on and off line. The owner of the site is a big Speed Divas fan, so he gets a cool link here!

just like amazing abba site!
Hey look at this. Just like that! A fabulous ABBA site from Chad. The man with the big brackets, hot html and awesome angel eyes! If you need to know, this is where to go! On and on and on...

Everybody stand for the Strongbadia national anthem...
there are no words to describe this site. Seriously, Pom pom, I'm about to pee my pants!! Just go there. Look at everything. Sing along. Make your own techno song, draw a dragon (TROG-DOR!!!) Just do it, you lazy crap-for-crap!

The truth is in here....
This is the place to find it folks. No matter the story, pairing, rating, if it's an X-File, it's going to be here. One of the longest running and most inclusive XF fanfic sites on the net! Enjoy!!

Welcome to the land of all things Southern, sweet and Mulderlicious! Chad's site includes his original fiction, links to other great writers, and some of the sweetest DD/Mulder pics ever! You can use this link to access it all, or the links below for just the stories!

No, Mulder, you're my gift...
This fabulous picture/cover/banner not only shows off the work of the multi-talented Neige, with just a click of your mouse, it will also take you to some terrific fiction!! The Mulder/Jamie trilogy is the work of the super and fabulous Chad, who can not only cover everything from canon to cthulu with ease, he is also one of the finest original character creators I know. Oh, and did I mention he's a cutie? What are you waiting for?

Chad fic-tasty and satisfying!
A nightmarish evil is stalking and killing five former students of Winterborne school, leaving a trail of death and disaster  in its wake. As Mulder and Scully investigate this new X-File, the maverick FBI agent begins to suffer from strange  attacks which, like the murders, all seem to be triggered by a young man named Faith. The wonderful beginning of a new series by Chad!

Jvantheterrible and Amokeh rock!!

Mmm...more Skinnerlicious stuff!  One of the first fanfic sites I ever went to-it's all about the Surly 1, with slash, hetfic, pics and all kinds 'o' good stuff.  I love these girls and you should stop reading this and get to their site right now, cuz Walter said so!! Did I mention the Taste of Life series, Jvantheterrible's tour de force, the final chapter of which made me weep?

Here a Ray, there a Ray, everywhere a Krycek...
Shane made this funky banner for Andrea's site, but  the description is pure Andrea: "...a hodgepodge of miscellaneous artifacts in varying natures, complimented by an array of Due South related materials.  I guess..."  She hasn't slashed Benny and Ray yet, but we're working on it...Did I mention that she's Nicholas Lea's new best friend?

If any of the above links aren't working, for God's sake, let me know so I can fix the darned things. I know, I know, it's easier just to say a few choice words and move on to someplace that will let you link to your favorite on line porn, but, come on, all you have to do is slap the feedback button! Thanks.