--___ where are you?
--quitting smoking is gross and too fucking hard somedays!
--my dirty house
--my fat ass
--spring, season of change--bleah, more like season of here we go again another summer of looking like crap in summer clothes, and being hot and sweaty, never mind taking personal inventory like I do every spring and wishing more often than not that it wasn't this way, or even that it wasn't any way at all, and how bad that sucks too. Uck.
--___, my friend ___'s cat, and how we'll all miss him
--___'s latest ick factor--fuck me with a chainsaw!! I hate it!!
--the phone company, run by incompetents, manned by unspeakably rude women, and how much I wish I could get off the crown corp. tit already. Fuck 'em, I say!!
--being single forever
--dirty laundry


--dinner at ___ and ___'s--it was fantastic!!
--Buffy The Vampire Slayer--go Giles!!!
--my new music program
--___'s birthday! I love you, honey!! Forever and always.
--you know, nudge nudge, wink wink, know what I mean? ;)
--someway I'm gonna make this not smoking thing work. Nuff said.
--coffee today with ___. Or more specifically, how good it was, and the iced tea too! :)
--my new vignette, even if it wasn't the best on the list, or even the most popular!
--impending holiday! yay and double yay!
--how good the game show went at the club on Friday. Not to mention the deck is finally going to be a reality, and we're painting too. Go GLCR!!