DECEMBER 8, 2002


-poor ___, and the stress and the tub gymnastics, and the bumps and bruises. I worry about him more than he knows
-no money, Christmas still coming
-eating too much this week, knowing I'm filling a lack of lust in my life, not knowing what to do about it.
-bey-Blades, and what a nasty, crappy, Japanese cash cow they are...and how sick of them I am!
-trying to keep my carpet clean when it's slushy and crappy out, and no matter how much paper or plastic I put down, someone always finds that spot to put their muddy shoes...even I do it.
-that nutbag at the club on Friday that it took four people to throw out!
-not having enough time to write
-something's wrong with my foot--the one I sprained summer before last, and it hurts to wear shoes!
-one of my fish died
-the rants I go on in my head about the universal injustices that I feel when I think about ___, and then feeling guilty about it, but worrying nevertheless, and wondering what we're all going to do, and feeling powerless about that!

-cookies, candies, cds, hot chocolate, more cookies, antenna caps, coffee cups and cupcakes, but most of all the love.
-getting a new aquarium from ___ with an air pump and everything, so my fish will be healthy and happy
-Christmas, and the warm tinglies I get from it
-good Speed Diva meeting with ___ and ___ was there to give us pointers.
-getting my mailouts to LA and Georgia sent!
-getting a handle on the housework
-the video Andrea made, and how the ending made me cry
-___ taking "the lads" on a virtual tour of the city
-PTCS dinner and Volunteer party after that.
-getting all the New Year's stuff done with ___ today