January 12, 2003


-still got some unpaid bills to deal with
-still fat
-still worrying about all the clan and their health
-had a nasty-assed period this month--worst cramps in years!
-insomnia--boy does that suck. Naps at work don't count, I'm still tired
-it's minus a million degrees out there-gak!!
-dirty dishes
-the fish are fine but the plants keep dying
-I think I need a vacation
-the bathroom floor--ugh, don't even get me started...


-my talk with ___ yesterday. Wow did that feel good and I'm glad he's home
-my tv seems to be working fine
-the fish are getting along, and everybody still has all their fins.
-having a Friday night off, and doing a big fat nothing, except re-reading some slash mmmm...
-Yeah, okay, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, but don't tell anyone, kay? ;)
-Speed Divas went very well this week
-clean laundry
-my possum
-being the best at all my jobs