January 26, 2003


-credit cards
-missing the shit outta ___ and thinking he doesn't miss me a bit.
-down to one fish, although admittedly he seems happy enough, but the escargot experience is one that will haunt my dreams for a long time to come
-story moving too slowly for my tastes
-more bar crap--don't go there, I don't plan to!
-the fucking cold! enough already!!
-not being organized
-I need a vacation!
-working on lame-o nights where the high point of the evening is when the drunk lesbian with the glass eye tells me I'm her best friend! *L*


-nice talks with ___--CRIKEY, I've missed 'em!
-___ is feeling better
-finally figuring out formatting
-my rsps and a pleasant surprise that made me feel rich for a moment
-getting that package off to the brothers
-___'s potential love life
-happy fish
-the new novel I'm reading
-Monk--what a cool show
-eating cookies the ___ way!