1. I'm fat
2. I'm drunk--d is for damaged. (I can sign it if you like) :P
3. I'm in ___--sucks to be me
4. My job
5. my life
6. seriously contemplating bonding with lesbians cos I have no other
place to go
7. I wish ____, but no such fucking luck
8. Wondering if this is all there is
9. I hate heat
10. I keep telling people, "He has a plan" but I wish I could be clued
in, so I could just do the work and then move on, cos I suck.
(did I mention drunk?)
1. my big brothers
2. ___--dont ask *L*
3. new stories to read and to write
4. got my health
5. knowing all my words
6. being queen of the faghags--I guess that's something
7. having the night off on Saturday
8. the show went well
9. MY BODUM TEAPOT!!! and everything that went with it!!!
10.Sobering up enough the next morning to censor this page a little