-board meetings on Sundays
-missing ___ and ___, in different ways, for different reasons, but
it all sucks the same, and that's not in that good way
-not able to connect with ___ even though we both seem to be trying
-needing more money, even though it's a little better now.
-needing insoles for this dumb arch of mine
-having to make a pact with all my friends that should I ever be stuck
in the tub, someone will call richard simmons for one last good cry before
my fat old heart gives out!!!
-brunch with people I don't like
-missing cigamarettes alot this last week
-popping that bit of whatever it is that sounds like styrofoam rubbing
together out of my kneecap so my leg aches like a rotting tooth, and I
can barely walk!
-Minus fifty?!? What the fuck is that all about?!?
-still feeling good about quitting smoking.
-the chats the last couple of days. Holy feeling terrific about that,
Mary. You got no fuckin idea!!!
-figuring out my burner and programs, without help from ___, and just
enough help from ___ that I don't feel like a complete idiot!
-being less bitter with those people at the club
-huckleberry tea!
-Speed Divas, Tales From the Outside, and new XF slash that I'm working
-brunch with people I do like!
-lots of new quotes
-getting a nice present for my nephew, almost getting it there on time,
and he really really liked it!
-good times with ___ and ___, and that's never a bad thing...