October 20/02


-worrying about cable and power and how I'm going to pay them
-having to work on Monday while ___ and ___ are still here
-hugs using brackets instead of arms
-having to have a period every month
-still more of that big fat needs to get laid loser ___'s crap, and why doesn't someone just get her stupid ass into therapy already, instead of her taking out her fucking unhappiness on the rest of us!!! Yeesh!
-my computer is too old and slow
-still itchy
-missing ___'s phone calls
-the drag show this weekend
-cravings that aren't good for me


-the Cougars are here, and I love having them!!! You should see the nice gift they gave me!
-___ and all the warmth he brings to my life, and I do mean whew! warm!!
-hearing from ___, and knowing he's going to be okay. I have absolute faith in him
-the constant smile I wear on my face getting my hugs and smiles from ___
-___ on the mend, and feeling closer to him in a weird and heartwarming way that defies definition while watching Harry Potter today
-the drag show this weekend
-shooters, girl, especially that rumbutter thingy, even thought it was really really sweet!
-Whitney's pants, and how everyone wanted to touch them!