-___'s potential move, and all the hassles that will come with that,
and not being able to help him.
-___'s back, and how much trouble it's causing, as well as that Doogie
Howser piece-of-crap doctor!
-Money, money, money....just how long can I keep the wolves from the
door, I wonder.
-People who say the most horrible things about other people, and then
can be found at the gay bar kissing those same asses they were insulting
the day before
-not seeing enough of ___. I sometimes miss those "just me and thee"
Pavlo's days
-not getting any. Or, more realistically, feeling like such a freak
naked that I'd never want to get any.
-the injustices of the current court of Regina, and how it doesn't
matter what you do, if the Emp. and Empress don't like the colour of your
shoes, they won't do jack for you.
-my messy house
-smoking far too much than is good for me, but eating around the same
level sometimes, and not finding that balance I had a year ago, when the
lbs just melted off.
-I'm in love, and it feels fine
-___'s kindnesses, which are always more appreciated than he realizes,
and ___'s smiling good offlines, which always make me feel good, no matter
the circumstances I find myself in.(I know, that should be two different
ones, but they are a set!)
-being able to fit into my ball dress
-being able to afford hair colour this week, and maybe even some groceries
-___'s back in town, and still as full of drunken fabulousness as ever!
-___'s amazing disappearing shadow, and the relief I felt at that
-posted a new chapter today, and am nearly done my fourth on line novel
-speed divas, which will be getting the hard sell at the ball...heh
heh, I said hard...
-being completely bug free, polyp free, cancer free and still a little