March 24, 2002

Hey, you know what? Being poor sucks. Being tired sucks. And dentists suck the worst of all.
But thanks for the kindness in your voice last night, ___, and thanks for the #, ___. I would never presume, at least not at this point, but, as Stephen King says, "oh, you kid". I know, that don't make sense to you, but it does to me, so there you go.

Hey, you know what? PTCS rocks. Holy crap was last night wonderful!! We all did an awesome job! And don't even get me started on the drunkeness of ___ and ___. Way funny! Of course, I was on meds last night, so couldn't drink--actually, could have, just chose not to! So everyone bought me drinks!! Anyway, the show rocked on a billion levels. And nobody even questioned the earlier awards, so ___, you got your name announced in Regina's gay bar--who knew?

Hey, you know what? I want to move, or quit my job (apparently we're expanding--new store in 2 weeks--nice of him to let me know, the big freak!!), or something. So low last week, this week too, I suspect, since Aunt Flo left this morning...

Hey, you know what? I need to get ready for brunch, or something. I can't think of anything else right now, anyway...

Last thought: My fucking mouth hurts!!! Whassup with that?

Early in the morning, late one night,
Two dead boys got up to fight.
One was blind and the other one couldn't see.
Back to back they faced each other,
Drew their swords and shot each other.

A deaf policeman heard the noise
And came and shot the two dead boys.

It's a ___ thing.