May 12, 2002

Hey there, how you doin? Happy Mother's Day. Hey, mom, you know you did good! No matter the ways and means that got us there. It's okay. Enjoy your day.

I'm wiped out. And a little in need of alone time. Real, getting stuff done alone time. It just doesn't happen. And I'm too greedy to say no--I need the affection. Well, I may have to say no at some point. I'm thinking Tuesday, if I can hold out til then. But then I'm thinking mmmm, sleep... *L*

Hey, ___ hope you feel better soon. I love you.

___ and ___, glad the package arrived safe and sound. I know it wasn't a new car, but you know how much all of us care about you, and we just wanted you to have a little piece of us around. Does that sound just way too sicky sweet? yeah, I thought so. :P

We luvs ya, we duz (More Great Big Sea speak)

Oh, and ___, I think I said welcome a few weeks ago, but again, howdy. Good talking to you.

too tired and too much work for much more. Hey, one more ep after this week, and SW in four days! I'd touch myself if it wasn't so much work this morning!!!!

Can I say it again, or would that be too much, I never know.

Thanks, guys, for everything!