Something happened in that room. I got this jolt that... something bigger is out there. Something bigger than me, bigger than you. Does that sound crazy?
--Maggie, City of Angels 1998

So I had a dream Friday night that I was Blair Sandburg and I sprained my fat...
Got your attention, didn't I? *LOL Seriously, cool dream, I won't bore you with details, but at some point there was a leg cramp that I apparently beat out in my sleep so that was aching in the morning, and then I must have rolled funny or sumthin, cos hoo boy did my fat ache the next day. Not of the good. Gotta get some new sandals too, cos the 'dip in the ocean' pair are done. Too worn on the sides, and that makes my hips ache.

are you detecting a theme here? *LOL

Off to Calgary on Tuesday and I'm so not ready, not to mention the fact that my Season 1 TS comes in Tuesday. I have to call HMV and tell 'em they gots to hold it til I get back. Speaking of frivolous spending, my Krycek with removeable arm ought to be here when I get home. Gave Deedz the money last night (she put it on her credit card for preorder for me) I have to get Andrea to preorder Skinner for me!!

Oh, hey, Happy Easter. Eggs, chocolate, sunrise services (although no fish sticks this year--ask me how!) brunch, devilled eggs in pastel colours (I was only kidding!) chicks on the buffet. Yada's birthday too. Happy b-day, "guy in green" *L* (again, ask me) Most important to me this year was Mick's message, though. Sunday comes. I wept like a freakin' baby over that one, let me tell ya, and yes, coming off my period and I'll pretty much cry over a hole in my sock, but seriously. Sunday always comes for me. Always. I'm so unbelieveably grateful for so much!

Coffee in the house of G rocks ;) And it was my old church, the one I was baptized in, so that was sorta cool too.

Okay, it's countdown 3 hrs til folks in my house and I can't find the kitchen *LOL Not to mention Richard Burgi in a towel on tonight's DH. Sucky show, hot HAWT man!!