"Not up to no good are you? 'Cause if you are there's a fifty cent "Up to No Good" tax."
--The Taxman, Popeye, 1980

Well, I never did get up to no good, but I did manage to be in the ball room for Calgary's coronation in coveralls and drink my Southern Comfort right out of the bottle right on stage. That's about as rebellious as I get these days.

My relationship with the fanfic boys is growing more intense, as is my interest/belief/relationship with God, while other things seem to be falling by the wayside. Which only makes sense, since my unfailing reaction to perceived rejection is to turn to those who cannot reject me. I've done it before, I'll do it again. Whatever.

I got TS season one on DVD and have no idea how I'm going to eat or smoke for the next four days, but oh, it looks so good. No fuckin special features though--fuckers! I'm already writing Paramount!!

My folks are good. Mom's working again, saving money to take a cruise thru the Panama Canal, if you can dig that *L* My brother got his family to Disneyland, and it sounds like they worked out all the kinks--the hotel lost them, the passes they paid for here weren't at the gate, etc. And I can only hope they are having an eighth of the good time (no I don't know why an eighth) I had, cos that was still the best time of my life bar none.

Nothing much of note to put in here, this sexy public forum. Congrats Wolfgang and Dyna Might, Calgary's 30th elected Emperor and Empress, and Congrats Korinne and Bryce (sp?) our new Mr and Miss Gen-Q.